Usually, every soccer club have supporter. The supporter consists of a lot of individual that form a group. One of the group is called Bobotoh. It is the supporter for Persib, soccer club from Bandung.
The function of supporter is to support. So, Bobotoh also supporting Persib when they play. They will come to every Persib match, and support them by cheering on them, playing trumpet, and so on. It's almost like they will do everything to support Persib, so they can win.
Looking from this side, it seems like the existence of Bobotoh give a positive impact. But, let's take a look to the other side.
Every time Bobotoh come to the stadium to support Persib, they will cause traffic jam. Why? Because Bobotoh consists of a lot of person. And they usually come by convoy. This is the causes of traffic jam. The problem is, the traffic jam can last for three hours or more.
Moreover, they also make people afraid. Imagine there are a very lot of person convoying along the road. Add anarchy to it. Isn't it scary? Especially if we get caught in the middle of it. Or mistaken as the other team's supporter.
So, the solution for this problem is to have the police regulate this Bobotoh every time Persib has a match. We cannot just erase Bobotoh existence from Bandung, because Bobotoh existence is important to support Persib. So we just have to regulate them, not erase them completely.
Labels: Analytical Exposition, Assignment, English Task